HIV & Other Diseases Program
The Rwanda Interfaith Council on Health’s HIV & AIDS program is funded by the Global Fund through the Ministry of Health. Its objective is to coordinate Religious-Based Organizations’ interventions in response to HIV in Rwanda.
The program aims at ensuring that Religious Leaders make use of their opportunities to promote universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in their communities and speak out against stigma and discrimination affecting people living with HIV. The program also lines up with strategic goals of HIV & AIDS National Strategic Plan which is the guiding document for the implementation of all programs/projects related to HIV & AIDS in Rwanda.
Specifically, the program aims are:
- Community sensitization on the prevention, care and treatment of HIV & AIDS
- Increased involvement of Religious Leaders in addressing HIV & AIDS-related stigma and discrimination within their communities.
- Coordination and harmonization of faith-based organizations’ interventions for HIV response.
- Increased collaboration with RBC and the Ministry of Health in planning, M&E and data collection for HIV programs.
- Capacity building of Religious Leaders in areas of HIV response and health promotion through training, meetings and seminars.
- Increased engagement of RBOs in assisting people made vulnerable by HIV & AIDS.
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