Rwanda Interfaith Response to Promote ECD and Family Program Through Community Based Initiatives
Early Childhood Development (ECD) refers to a comprehensive approach to policies and programs for children from 0 to 6 years of age, their parents and caregivers. Lifetime behavior patterns are formed during this period when brain development is most active. Care given by children in their early years is therefore critical as it helps fight physical and mental stunting but also for both their survival, growth , development, the well-being of the community and the nation due to the predictable gains and productivity in adulthood.
RICH participates in the promotion of ECD and Family:
To ensure sustainable and community owned ECD initiatives, this project aims to:
- Engage religious denominations to support low cost community based ECD through its existing structures and network.
- Engage the community in C4D (change in behaviour, attitude, practices and social norm) through religious networks.
By engaging religious denominations to support low cost ECD, this project aims at:
- Upgrading existing religious community initiated initiatives into community owned ECD programs in locations identified by the project.
- Build capacities (knowledge and skills) in provision and sustainability of religious community-based ECD programs.
- Facilitate M&E and learning of low cost community-based ECD programs for scale up and learning purposes.
By engaging the community in C4D (change in behaviour, attitude, practices and social norms) through religious networks, this project aims to
- Promote engagement of both parents to care and play with young children.
- Reduce stigma against fathers taking care of young children.
- Reduce violent disciplining practices.
How RICH gave us a second honeymoon 26years into marriage
Churchgoers hail RICH for advancing family harmony
Launch of the ECD sermon guide based on biblical and Quran scriptures